Sunday, July 17, 2011

In Brugges

If you haven't seen the movie, you must. Fabulous story set in this beautiful city.

Susan is falling in love with each city we arrive in, one after the other, better than the next. This one is truly magnificent. Built along the river (much like Ghent but not set up for a party), the buildings are so pretty, the canals peaceful and the whole place is magical.

We arrived around dinner time to our tiny hotel on the littlest of streets. Honestly the parking garage underneath couldn't have been tighter. Its amazing we got the car in. The hotel is lovely and will be a great base for our two days of adventuring. Chocolate shoppes abound. We walked into town along the quaintest streets and ate in the main square. Susan fell in love with the horses everywhere "clop clop clop"...

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