Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Great Grampa George Gray

Our final stop of the day was the Duisans British Cemetery where we had to look for a while to find Great Grandfather's/Great Grampa's resting place. He has the most lovely grave with many flowers planted at his headstone and a beautiful purple flowering bush cascading over from behind.

It was incredibly moving to be there and to think that if it wasn't for him, neither Iain nor I would exist. So sad that he never got to know his baby Nana and her family. He is resting close to many other Canadians and lots of Brits in a beautifully kept cemetery. The flowers here were truly magnificent and the gardeners were about weeding and mowing. We thanked them for keeping it so special.

As we were leaving Iain and I took a couple of poppies growing on the side of the road right outside the cemetery, in the hopes that we could bring them home. They are so fragile and beautiful. They won't survive the trip home I don't think but Iain got the most amazing picture of his, from right outside his Great Great Grampa's resting place.


  1. Thanks, Cathy & Iain, for these wonderful pictures and very moving blog. I'm amazed you are having so much success. It's so comforting to know the graves are so well tended. I love the purple cascading bush - Nana would too! xx

  2. Hi Marywinn, we had such a wonderful day retracing our family. The cemeteries are so well marked and we bought a really good book that takes us more or less to them. The roads are not as well marked as the cemeteries in some cases. I hope you make it over here. It is so incredible to think that these family members are here and were part of the great war. Great Grampa's cemetery is the nicest of all that we saw - he is resting very nicely. You are right, Nana would have loved the purple flower. There are Iris right at his stone and another plant that is local in Canada, I will have to look it up when I get home. xox
